Thursday, October 15, 2015

FruitCorso: The Lights of Happiness (2015)

Just like last year and the years prior, I joined the FruitCorso again to build a new float decorated with seeds, fruits and vegetables.

The design this year was done by Ria van Blijderveen. The design was: "The Lights of Happiness"
The visual of this are 2 old asian/ chinese "ghosts" who send lanterns into the sky.
There was a whole message behind it about the chaotic and rushed times everybody experiences.

Model of the float, made by our designer Ria van Blijderveen
My main job this year was to focus on the faces. My "Partner in Styrofoam" did a pretty good job making a face for me to work on (creating the details). The other one I made myself.
I was also in charge of making the hands. I've tried to teach my knowledge to the designer, but she hated to work with Styrofoam, which left me no choice but to do it myself.

Next to that I was given a free hand to choose whatever I'd like to decorate the face.
At the market I found some Brasil nuts and pine nuts; these had the perfect color for the light faces. Even thought I've never worked with these before, I gave it a shot and turned out great.
I do need to note that these nuts will turn slightly darker in a few weeks and they are a bit more difficult to glue due to their oily surface. But with some patients it ended well.

Below you see the stages of the head I made and decorated:

Step 1: Styrofoam (with a layer of paper)
Step 2: Add plaster to smooth things out,
make the nose more Asian
I used clay for details (eye lids, lips)

Step 3: Paint
Step 4: Add seeds, nuts
Do the same on the other side

Finish it off with more seeds and some grass plumes (eyebrows/ beard)
Fun Fact: I've used about 18 different types of seeds/nuts on the face alone.

The other face has been done in those same steps. I instructed someone who's with the FruitCorso since last year (actually 2, but in the first year she never touched any seeds).
I think she did an amazing job.

But with some paint and a different perspective
 he resembles a friendly, slightly sad Smeagol.
Eveyone thought he looked a bit angry and pouty

In the end he lost his "Smeagolness" and looked like a friendly old man.

Bonus pictures of the build

A head isn't a head if it doesn't have ears. (Unless he was never born with them or lost them in an accident)
These I made using some cardboard, tin foil, hot glue and paper maché (newspaper + wallpaper glue)

Different steps of the process of ear making
Because it's hard to explain what your ideas are with words, I made a sketch to visualize my thoughts. I got a "go" from the designer. Also this sketch was helpful to explain things to the other builder.
Sketch of my thoughts of what I wanted to do with the eyes.
Next are some stages of the total build.

Metal skeleton of the total float. There were some changes and additions later on.

This part of lanterns was put on with a crane at the day of the parade.
It was a nerve wrecking moment!

The framework of the front "Ghostman"

The finished lanterns on the transportation cart

Side view of the front "Ghostman"
This is one of my hands.
Well, not mine, but one I've made

The end result!
If you're curious: We've got 5th place, which isn't really that bad. We're happy with the end result.